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  • March 21, 2022

    A healthy diet is the key to a healthy life. Every parent wants their children to choose fresh produce and healthy proteins over junk food, but how do you make that happen? Fortunately, there are plenty of practical ways to fit organic foods into your child’s meals.

    From establishing healthy habits early to finding fun and unique ways to prepare your kids’ food, these tricks and tips can help turn the chore of healthy eating into a fun experience the entire family will cherish. Make mealtime fun and set your little ones up for success throughout their lives with these healthy tips and tricks.

    The Benefits of Raising Healthy Eaters

    Kids are famously picky eaters, but learning good eating habits early will help them lead healthy lives now and throughout adulthood. As your little ones get older and start choosing food for themselves, you want them to lean toward organic, nutritious options more than junk food. When you raise your kids to enjoy and appreciate healthy food, they’ll carry that appreciation through the rest of their lives.

    More importantly, a healthy, well-rounded diet is crucial for children’s growth and development. Good nutrition helps kids develop properly, maintain a healthy weight, grow strong, and experience better physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

    Of course, kids—especially little kids—don’t care too much about keeping a healthy diet. That’s why it’s your job to make sure fresh, organic, and nutritious options are a beloved part of your child’s diet. Here are a few practical ways to fit organic foods into your child’s meals to help them learn to love healthy options as they grow up.

    Lead By Example

    Your kids learn to eat by watching you. Even before your babies can feed themselves or even try solid foods, they’re watching you at the table. Your little one is interested in what you eat and how you eat it. When you make organic food an essential part of your diet, your child will be more eager to follow suit. Everyone else in the family should adopt these healthy habits, too.

    Don’t just be a role model when your kids are young, either. Whether you’re cooking for your baby, your toddler, or your teenager, leading by example is crucial. Besides, the entire family will benefit from a regular diet of healthy, nutritious, organic foods.

    Look at Their Overall Diet

    It’s easy to focus on specific foods, especially if you know your kid turns their nose up at that food. But building a healthy diet requires much more than simply adding more broccoli to the plate. The trick is to look at the food you buy and prepare on a wider scale.

    Take a step back and analyze what kind of food you’re serving, where that food comes from, what ingredients it contains, and other essential questions. Are you serving pre-packaged meals that contain more preservatives than natural ingredients? How many processed foods do you keep in the kitchen? Even if you don’t go completely organic, questions like these will help you analyze your family’s current diet and identify areas you can improve by switching to more natural alternatives.

    Focus on Home-Cooked Meals

    There are endless benefits to a good, home-cooked meal. When you cook a meal yourself, you’re in charge of the ingredients you use. As such, you can choose organic produce, whole grains, quality proteins, and more. At the same time, you cut down on artificial ingredients, excess sodium, and other unwanted components.

    Home-cooked meals are also a wholesome routine that the entire family can enjoy. When everyone sits down together for a meal you cooked yourself, you make healthy food more significant. This is a great opportunity for little ones to learn healthy eating habits from older family members.

    Keep in mind that family meals don’t have to take a lot of effort. If you already have a lot on your plate—and what parent doesn’t—look for ways to meal prep or make leftovers that your family can enjoy throughout the week.

    Mix Healthy Foods With Other Flavors

    Sometimes, kids simply don’t like the taste of certain foods. If a specific fruit or veggie is making your little one push their plate away, look for creative ways to disguise the taste so that they still get the valuable nutrients. Soups and stews are a great way to combine flavors and disguise vegetables. You can also liven up a plate of fruits or veggies with a healthy dip. Even different seasonings or preparation styles can completely change the taste of a certain food.

    If something isn’t working for your little one, be patient and try something new rather than forcing them to eat something they don’t want. This will help your child develop a more positive reaction to that food in the future.

    Work Around Unwanted Textures

    Sometimes, kids are fine with the flavor of a food, but they don’t like the texture. Skins, seeds, pulp, or other textures might feel weird or unpleasant to eat, making the entire food undesirable. Like with flavors, there are ways to disguise unlikable textures so that your kid can still enjoy the food and all its health benefits.

    For younger kids, purees or mashes are a great way to sidestep unwanted textures. You can also try making smoothies or juices to mix up the texture of a food. Even looking for different ways to prepare it—such as roasting, baking, or serving raw—can create a new texture to try. Get creative with how you prepare and serve different foods so that your child has a chance to experience something they genuinely enjoy.

    Make Healthy Food Fun

    Who says organic foods have to be boring? If you can make snacks and meals fun, your kids won’t care what they eat. Vegetable dips are a great place to start. You can also look for crafty ways to present foods, such as cutting out fun shapes in fruits and veggies, to make meals more fun.

    As kids get older, let them be more involved in what they eat. Growing kids love to try new things. Teaching them how to make their favorite snack is a great way to add more value to what they eat. You can also get kids involved at the grocery store by letting them pick out their favorite fruit or asking them what they want to make for dinner that week.

    At Avanchy, we want what’s good for you and your family. As you serve up organic snacks and meals, ensure you’re using equally healthy dishware. Our baby utensil sets consist of bamboo or stainless steel with soft silicone for a gentle, safe eating experience for your little one. Shop Avanchy today for the best products to complement your best meals.

    Practical Ways To Fit Organic Foods Into Your Child’s Meals

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